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Google Mixins made by Uros Lates. This are helpers that can be used with Google Maps services.

var UrlGoogleMixin = function() {}
UrlGoogleMixin.prototype = {

Gets google addresscomponents property (retured from google components) as argument and returns serialized address Serialized address contains json representation of an address. Usefull if you have address form with feilds Country/Region/City... and all are autocompleteable. Then if user starts typning street into box and selects one that google Autocomplete retuns, we can prepopulate remaining fields with the rest of the data. Or we can then if user has filled in country first append each of the remaining address inputs with "country.shortname". That way we reduce search results to that specific country only. Demo usage can be found within "demo" directory -> "index.html" page.

  serializeAddress: function (addressComponents) {

Address JSON object defaults

    var result = {
      country: null,
      region: null,
      city: null,
      zip_code: null,
      street: null,
      street_number: null

TODO: Ensure that administrativearealevelN is ordered witn N ad ASC!! quicksort looping administrativearealevelN to order it in ASC...

Important: Expects that administrativearealevel_N is ordered witn N ad ASC!!

    for (var i = 0, component; i < addressComponents.length; i++) {
      var component = addressComponents[i];
      if(component.hasOwnProperty('types') && component.types.length) {
        for (var j = component.types.length - 1, type; j >= 0; j--) {
          type = component.types[j];
          switch (type){
            case 'country':
              result.country = component;
            case 'locality':
              result.city = component;
            case 'administrative_area_level_1':
              result.region = component;
            case 'administrative_area_level_2':
              result.region = component;
            case 'route':
              result.street = component;
            case 'street_number':
              result.street_number = component;

    return result;

Mixin that is used to update Address Forms (complex set of fields representing addresses). Accepts JSON config object that represents a map of html input fields that represent address

addressFieldsConfig - is expected to have following structure:
var addressFieldsConfig = {
    'country': document.getElementById('id_country'),
    'region': document.getElementById('id_region'),
    'city': document.getElementById('id_city'), 
    'zip': document.getElementById('id_zip_code'),
    'street': document.getElementById('id_street')

NOTE: Its very important that above JSON has exactly the same keys as specified above. Reason: Those keys have to correspond to keys consumed by UrlGoogleMixin mixin.

UrlAddressFormMixin = function(addressFieldsConfig) {

Register of Form Fields that need to be handled

  this.addressFieldsConifg = {};
  this.setAddressFormFields(addressFieldsConfig || {
            'country': null,
            'region': null,
            'zip_code': null,
            'city': null,
            'street': null,
            'street_number': null
UrlAddressFormMixin.prototype = {

Setter method that is used to modify "addressFieldsConfig" values. IMPORTANT: It is expected that value is an HTML element (get it via document.getElementById('..'))

  set: function(key, value) {
    if (!this.addressFieldsConifg.hasOwnProperty(key)) 
      new Error('You are trying to set a property <addressFieldsConfig>.'+key+' which isn\'t supported!');

TODO: Check if value is of type HTMLNode

    this.addressFieldsConifg[key] = value;

For chaining

    return this;

Setter method - settings Address Form Fields configuration object to manipulate on.

  setAddressFormFields: function(addressFormFieldsConfig) {
    for(var aCmp in addressFormFieldsConfig) {
      this.set(aCmp, addressFormFieldsConfig[aCmp]);

Populates "Address Form Fields" with the "address" provided. If addressFormFieldsConfig is not provided it uses default one.

  setAddressFormFieldsToAddress: function (address, addressFormFieldsConfig) {

addressFields - maps inputs to keys that serializeAddress resulting JSON reckognizes! Set this.addressFieldsConifg to second argument if provided (important if CMP gets instaniated without form fields configuration provided)

    var addressFields = this.addressFieldsConifg = arguments.length > 1 ? addressFormFieldsConfig : this.addressFieldsConifg;

    for(field in addressFields) {

Validate if addressFields is set correctly initially

      if (!addressFields[field]) {
        throw new Error('setAddressFormFieldsToAddress(...): <addressFields> are not set correctly! This should contain reference to all the form fields!');
      if(address[field]) {
        addressFields[field].value = address[field].long_name;

Helper method to generate full address based on current Address Form fields values.

  generateFullAddress: function () {
    var full_addr_arr = new Array(),
        afc = this.addressFieldsConifg,
        country = afc.country.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''),
        region = afc.region.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''),
        city = afc.city.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''),
        zip_code = afc.zip_code.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''),
        street = afc.street.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''),
        street_number = afc.street_number.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

    if(street.length)           full_addr_arr.push(street);
    if(street_number.length)    full_addr_arr.push(street_number);
    if(city.length)             full_addr_arr.push(city);
    if(region.length)           full_addr_arr.push(region);
    if(country.length)          full_addr_arr.push(country);
    if(zip_code.length)         full_addr_arr.push(zip_code);

    return full_addr_arr.join(', ');